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Get Involved


Make a difference at UT Health Athens

Each year the men and women who volunteer at UT Health Athens provide hundreds of hours of invaluable service. They greet guests, answer phones, work in our gift shop, provide directions and information and help patients to their vehicles.

Fundraising is one of the most outstanding contributions of our volunteers. Proceeds from their efforts go toward scholarships for local students pursuing healthcare careers and for the purchase of special hospital equipment.

Volunteering is good for you and the community

Did you know that …

  • Volunteering is good for your physical and mental health. It’s true – if you’re someone with a little extra time on your hands, volunteering at UT Health Athens gets you on your feet, out of the house and interacting with lots of interesting people.
  • Volunteering lets you give back. It’s easy to share the blessings you’ve been given when you spend some time and energy giving back to the community.
  • Volunteering lets you make a difference in the lives of others. If you’ve ever had a loved one in the hospital, you know that a kind word or helping hand can make a big difference in a stressful situation.
  • Volunteering is a great chance to learn new things. Working with hospital visitors and staff members teaches you new things and reveals talents you may not have known you possessed. Want to stay mentally sharp? Having new experiences is key, so put volunteering on your list of things to do.
  • Volunteering is fun. Meeting new people, learning new things and being a valued part of the hospital community all adds up to a great experience for our volunteers and the people they serve!

Apply to become a volunteer today!

If you’re interested in volunteering at UT Health Athens, please contact us at 903-676-1112 to receive an application.